

In my workshop with a completed Tasmanian Myrtle topped 'Harrier' model electric guitar and Spruce topped tenor ukulele

RNS Guitars and Ukuleles

RNS Guitars and Ukuleles offers individual, bespoke stringed  instruments, including a range of unique electric and acoustic guitars and ukuleles made by Richard Nichol-Smith in Buln Buln, near Warragul, Gippsland one hour drive east of Melbourne.

Using solid, natural finish timbers, each instrument features unique visual and tonal character, combined with great playing comfort, providing a very practical player’s instrument as well as attractive work of art.

A range of quality maintenance and repair services are also offered including set ups, fretwork, restoration and electrics for guitars, ukuleles and mandolins.

This website aims to provide as much information as possible on the RNS electric and acoustic guitars and ukulele models, as well as services. However, if you have any queries please contact me.

Ph: (03) 5626 8356 or

Email: RNS@dcsi.net.au

Please visit the RNS Guitars and Ukuleles Facebook page www.facebook.com/RNSGuitarsandUkuleles


RNS Guitars and Ukuleles © 2014-2024